Did you know that we've recorded nearly all of our programs?
We are working to make the recordings available to listen to and share with others.
Below are our most recent Collective Voices programs as well as one from 2018.

Meet the Midcoast's three dynamic Harbormasters. Learn about the waterfronts, what Harbormasters do all year and how they are such an integral part of the Midcoast's economic vitality.
Panelists: Molly Eddy, Abbie Leonard & Kathy Given
Moderated by Larrain Slaymaker
March 13th, 2024 @ the Rockport Public Library & via zoom

Denise Breed shares the story of one chaotic, violent, life-changing week in Sierra Leone, West Africa in 1997, when her family of four and a small US Embassy community found themselves in the dead center of a violent coup d'etat with no conceivable way out. For five relentless days and nights they were trapped in a choatic war zone, searching and negotiating for a route to safety, a way out. An account ripe with terrifying moments, it is also a tale of the best of humanity that sometimes shines its light in the darkest of moments.
October 5th, 2023 @ the Camden Public Library & via zoom

Mothers are the emotional backbone of the family. They provide the holding place for everyone's feelings and do their best to keep us from being hurt. But when opiod abuse takes up residence in the family,
what's a mother to do?
Panelists: Courtney Gary-Allen, Liesha Petrovich & Molly Feeny
Moderated by Pam Maus
June 22nd, 2023 @ the Rockland Public Library & via zoom

Mental health includes our emotional, psychological, and social well-being. It affects how we think, feel, and act. It also helps determine how we handle stress, relate to others and make healthy choices. With despression and anxiety exacerbated during the pandemic, the need to address mental health has only increased. Listen to our discussion.
Panelists: Allison Pringle, Nicole Hatch, Lauren Bateman, Rachel Wilcox and Rebecca Kurtz
Moderated by Mary Jo Bateman
March 8th, 2023 @ the Rockport Public Library & via zoom

In her Vox article, Electing More Women Changes How Government Works, Sarah Kliff put it bluntly, "women just get more sh*t done." The panel answers questions ranging in topics from Health and Wellness, to Economic Security, to Freedom from Discrimination, and Freedom from Violence
Panelists: Pinny Beebe-Center, Cameron Reny & MaryAnne Kinney
Moderated by Destie Hohman
October 25th, 2022 via zoom

What's the difference between broadband and internet?
And what's with all the work on utility poles these days?
What are they doing and when will traffic improve?
We discuss answers to these questions, learn the basics about this "public utility" and begin to understand how access or lack of access impacts the health, livelihood and connections of women in our community.
Panelists: Susan Corbett, Clara McCool and Christa Thorpe
Moderated by Dr. Sheryl Dacso
June 9th, 2022 @ the Rockland Public Library & via zoom

If you've wondered how things happening in Washington DC impact women and families of Midcoast Maine, please join us for a conversation with Congresswoman Chellie Pingree.
Moderated by State Representative
Valli Geiger
May 26, 2021 via zoom

Many of us want to know how to become better at establishing meaningful communication with people whose opinions differ from our own, but do we really have an understanding of the basic skills needed to make connections we can build upon?
Peggy Smith, a certified trainer with the International Center for Nonviolent Communication and based in the Midcoast, will lead a workshop that reintroduces the concepts of humanity, feedback and compassion back into our conversations.
Workshop facilitated by Peggy Smith
April 28, 2021 via zoom

Did you know that Maine rates 5th in the nation with 43% of the state legislature comprised of women? Many hail from the Midcoast, representing Knox, Lincoln, and Waldo counties.
Join the conversation, moderated by The Honorable Mary Cathcart who served in both the House and the Senate from 1996 to 2004. By the end of the program, we will have a better understanding of the priorities for the 130th legislative session, especial as it address the needs of women and families.
Conversation moderated by Mary Cathcart
March 22, 2021 via zoom

Shenna Bellows, Maine's new Secretary of State joined us during her listening tour to take questions from constituents about our state elections, civic education, BMV operations, online technologies for state services and more.
Maine's 50th Secretary of State and the first women to hold the position, Secretary Bellows was sworn into her first two-year term on January 4, 2021. A state Senator for two terms, she served and the Chair of the Labor and Housing Committee and served on the Judiciary committee.
Conversation moderated by Sarah Austin
February 16, 2021 via zoom

While the nation is under stay-at-home orders during the coronavirus pandemic, the incidence of domestic violence and sexual assault is only heightened due to stress and isolation.
Join us for a conversation with advocates from New Hope for Women and Sexual Assault Support Services of Midcoast Maine (SASSMM) to learn, not only how their organizations engage in protection, prevention and empowerment, but our role as community members.
Featuring Jeannine Lauber Oren, Rep. Jessica Fay,
Stevie Colburn and Rep. Fran Head with Rebekah Shaw.
October 13, 2020 via zoom

The best voter is the informed voter.
Join Midcoast Women for the second of its three-part series, Moving the Needle, featuring Senate District 12 candidates David Miramant and Gordon Page. Members of the Midcoast community pose questions of importance, especially for women and girls, about public school education, domestic violence, discriminatory taxes, the small business economy and needs of seniors.
Featuring David Miramant & Gordon Page with Sarah Austin
September 30, 2020 via zoom

Exercising your right to vote is the single most important way to make your voice heard. First up in our Moving the Needle series is "All Things Voting". Several Midcoast women have been asked to discuss ways they've become involved in and work to engage others in the voting process - from efforts to increase voter registration and provide oversight on election day to discovering creative and meaningful ways that engage the youth vote. Not knowing how, when, or where to vote cannot be an excuse!
Featuring Nadine Bangerter, Deb Dodge, Amara Ifeji, Robyn Walker-Spencer and Lillian Hubbard with Sarah Austin.
September 17, 2020 via zoom

While the nation is under stay-at-home orders during the coronavirus pandemic, the incidence of domestic violence and sexual assault is only heightened due to stress and isolation.
Join us for a conversation with advocates from New Hope for Women and Sexual Assault Support Services of Midcoast Maine (SASSMM) to learn, not only how their organizations engage in protection, prevention and empowerment, but our role as community members.
Featuring Elise Martin & Kelly O'Connor with Pam Maus.
May 19, 2020 via zoom

In Maine, we've been living with the social, economic and health effects of the coronavirus since mid March. It's easy to complain and feel bitter about the state of things but, those who have met the challenge head on and discovered new ways to stay viable, stand to come out of this with a stronger understanding of who they are and how they can make a difference.
We will talk to three women who own, run or are integral to businesses and organizations who's contributions help make Midcoast Maine the place we choose to call home.
Featuring Amy Hand, Jessie Davis & Jenn Rockwell with Sarah Austin.
May 4, 2020 via zoom

Midcoast Maine is the home of many organizations serving the community. Our "Look for the Helpers" online events spotlight women whose nonprofits are carrying on crucial work in the challenging moment.
This time we're speaking with Sharon Hobson of One Less Worry and Diann Henderson of AIO Food Pantry . Learn about their missions, how they are adapting during the pandemic and how we can support their efforts right now.
Featuring Sharon Hobson & Diann Henderson with Sarah Austin.
April 23, 2020 via zoom

It's completely normal to feel more anxious these days, but understanding that might not make coping any easier.
Join us for a conversation with Susanna Liller, whose professional work supports women to be proactive in shaping their lives. Using her book, "Circle Power," Susanna will show us how to turn an everyday circle into a powerful strategy for problem solving, from simple to profound, including how to handle the anxiety of and stay centered during the Covid-19 pandemic.
Featuring Susanna Liller with Pam Maus
March 31, 2020 via zoom

We celebrate the legacies of badass Maine women US Senator Margaret Chase Smith, artist Edna St. Vincent Millay and community nursing founder, Eliza Steele through stories told by three women they inspired.
A scholar, an artist and an organization leader each tell how these courageous and visionary women infuse them with the courage to make a difference and, like their predecessors, ensure future generations of Maine herstory.
Stories told by Harley Rogers, Peta vanVuuren and Lois Anne
Moderated by Pam Maus
March 12, 2020 @ Farnsworth Art Museum

Participation in sport means something different to everyone who plays. Regardless the level at which you perform, the physical, social and emotional benefits can be enormous. Every game or training session is an opportunity to face a challenge.
Three generations of women tell stories of meeting the challenge.
Stories told by Kristina Kelly, Anne Williams and Anna Goodale
Moderated by Susanna Liller
February 11, 2020 @ Rockland Public Library

Generation Z, Post Millennials, iGeneration, Net Gen, and Plurals are all names used to describe the generation loosely defined as those born between the mid-1990s to the early 2000s.They represent 25% of the U.S. population. Gen Zers are masters of social media and constantly connected to their peers and their environment. Several local young women, active in their schools and community, will tell us who they are, what motivates them, what they see in their future and if they plan to change the world.
December 11, 2018 @ Camden Public Library